Picture creds to A Girl Undiscovered
Separate your thoughts from Who You Are. Separate the mind that you think it's you, the mind just trying to mask itself as you by defining people and everything around you.
It's seems hard at first, but you will notice when you are still and quiet enough to hear your own thoughts. Only then you'll understand how to observe your thoughts and see that you're an observer and not your thoughts.
You're the one behind your thoughts, and not your thoughts, if you're your thoughts, you'll have many identities, and continuing in changing your identities when the first identity wears you out. But if you like to have many identities, and get confused by your thoughts, then please continue, but if not..
Just listen, quietly to your thoughts and know that you're; I am that, I am. A spirititual being having human experiences.
"A human being, not a human doing." creds for Neale Donald Waslch there on that quote. Another quote is "When you're being something (love, free, caring, daring), doing will come naturally" Like a shadow follows you faithfully..
I assure you that when you sit quitely and observe your thoughts, you will see how many thoughts that really is in your mind that take away your energies... I'm writing and speaking with authority. Do be that for a while and see for yourself, ok?
'Be quiet and be still for 5 mins' (It'll be like a exercise. 5 mins a day, for example..)
I love you, and I leave you with love and light.
I'm beaming you with lots of light-waves energies!
Your beloved siStar Crystallize
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