In between the hours of loneliness, I feel an attachment to you. You and I was once one, but we got split from each other to experience the 3D world as human beings, but somehow we still are one in some way, because our souls are twinning together in the spirit world. I can feel you as I'm here, even when I dream it seems so real.
I search for you, every where I go my eyes keeps wander around to look for your presence. How can we be separated for so long and still feel the connection so strong? I hope for an answer, but from where I am, the answer seems so delusional. I hope not to figure out the mystery, however I hunger to understand the mystery we call life.
I remember the feelings of union with my own soul. I rejoiced to be one with everything, and finally understood and accepted myself for who I was, a true remembrance of myself, my identity. I wish only if I could once again remember that feelings of acceptance and remembrance of myself. Just totally delight in the true being of who I am today. I want to continue the search for this true love that I once had for myself, and then I could love you as you are.
I love you in tears, I love you in denial, and I love you in the between the loneliness. I'm afraid that if I immerge myself so much in loving you that I might forget myself, but if loving you will leads me to the true understanding of love, then forgetting myself won't be a waste. I can see you with close eyes and I can feel you with even a close heart, you are in me, my soul belongs to you from the beginning of time, I have no choice but to be attach to you like skin on your flesh. All I ever wanted to do is to breathe you into my lungs so you can cooperate with my heart to help it beats a lovely song for all to hear.
They will listen attentively to this song and remember once again about true love, true longing of birds that keeps coming back to the place where there always are spring and sunshine. They will listen fondly to the chirpring of joyful birds, singing in unison for a long lost love that finally reunited.
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