I think we all have something in common. Attachment. Ok, so, maybe not everyone of us, but at least some of us.. If you feel it resonate with yourself that's it. Well, lately I have been thinking. What is actually the feeling when someone suddenly disconnect from us and left us feel lonely and sometimes even worst hurtful? And make us think that we might have done or said something wrong. We questioned ourselves of our abilities of being a human being or being loveable. Why I'm writing about this is because the dark place in my heart have surface during the full moon, and I feel that it has to come up for me to shed some light to it.
The feeling of loneliness when someone disconnect is because we feel attach to them. And attachment isn't a bad thing, but it can rule over us if we don't learn to love the part of us that is yearning to be accepted. I think that I might be able to accept it as it is. Attachment is a form for connection in this world. When we connect, we get attached to each other, and when suddenly we become disconnected abruptly we tend to feel that there's something missing, and we think that it is love. It could be love, or just the ego trying to control the situation, it doesn't want to lose it identity as a person feeling lonely. It creates a image of love, that we must have that person to be happy, but it fail to make us happy, because we can't own a person with free will, we can't own someone who doesn't belong to us, we can't control the future. Anything could happen.
So attachment goes in and force us to understand that we need to detach ourself from what we love, so it won't become difficult when the situation isn't in our control. And the feeling of disconnection with a person is only a temporary feelings that will go away when we learn to accept that attachment is not to be feared. Attachment is a call from our soul that what we get attach to is actually something that we cherish and feel important about. That's what I have learned when I feel that I'm attach to this person who gave me lots of attention but now suddenly disconnect from me entirely.
I must say that this isn't the first time I'm feeling attach to someone. I have gone through it many times and it's still a mystery to me that I haven't learned it. And yeah, when I haven't learned to accept myself fully. When I will feel lonely because someone detached themselves from me I know now that it is because I value that person very much, and I feel that we must have some sort of agreement to meet each other in this life time to help each other with the self love issue. Well, I believe in souls, so I think we have some agreements with our soul mates and twin flame soul mates on how we would meet and how we can do to help the other person to rise up to the feeling of unconditional love.
It's important to truly accept ourselves as we are, with all the feelings we have. The lessons will continue when we haven't mastered it or learn from it, the same feelings will arise in many different way, but we all learn it bit by bit and go on a pace that's more suited for each one of us.
So, if you feel attached to someone right now, and they don't feel the same attachment with you, just slowly detached yourself from it and accept the feeling of attachment. You will be much more happy. Value the person, they might have given you the best gift. They have drop a clue for you on how to love yourself more.
Beautiful and oh so true!
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